View Full Version : The failing talk of politicians

12-28-2006, 05:00 PM
Writing in Clave newspaper, sociologist Wilfredo Lozano observes that the language that prioritizes development has disappeared from the speeches of Dominican politicians and has been replaced by the hypocritical argument of the struggle against poverty that would imply precisely development, which is not covered. "The figure of the state as an axis of order and social changes has been trashed and the parties are no longer a means of obtaining freedom, nor do they seek any political sense, because their role has become an ideological implosion. What is important and a priority for politicians today is not the citizens. What is important for them today is to preserve the political elite as an absolute category, devoid of any decent commitment oriented towards social transformations that permit citizens a dignified life. What is left is a state that does not watch over the national heritage but rather is predatory. In a clientelistic state, the political elite has become a federation of factions vying for the public booty that by definition is scarce. A kind of separation between society and politics has taken place, which would be complete if society in its fragmentation had not moved on to seek ties with the political factions to participate in the benefits that these have access to, once they have captured the public bounty. What has occurred is there is an end to political rhetoric as a proponent of order and social change. In all this story, true citizens have been missing.

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