View Full Version : Slain Ubri's SUV found in parts

09-23-2011, 03:10 PM
The assailants may just have had bad luck when choosing their victim. Police reported they were on the lookout for an SUV to chop up for a used parts dealer and unknowingly chose the vehicle belonging to Lieutenant Colonel Cesar Augusto Ubri, right-hand man of the president of the National Drug Control Department. The SUV was parked in the upscale Las Praderas sector, opposite the church. There is speculation that Ubri recognized the assailant, one of whom was the son of a former psychologist at the DNCD, and earned himself the lethal round of bullets that ended his life.

The vehicle, a Toyota Highlander, was found in a chop shop, where it had been dismantled for parts. Diario Libre reports that mechanic Modesto Cruz Marte had paid RD$90,000 for the vehicle.

The parts were found in a warehouse in Cristo Rey, a Santo Domingo slum.

The Police verified that the SUV's chassis number was found on one of the parts that had been set aside for sale. Spare parts found at the chop shop were loaded on to a Police truck and pick up for checking for other robberies.

As reported in Diario Libre, German Melendez, owner of the workshop where the parts were found, claimed that he had asked Modesto Cruz Marte, accused of purchasing the stolen SUV, and who is also under arrest, to deliver the registration for the vehicles, which he did not do.

As reported in Diario Libre, Modesto Cruz Marte, a mechanic, said that he can make up to RD$600,000 in parts from each dismantled vehicle. He said he did not know the vehicles he purchased had been stolen.

A retired general, Luis A. Feliz Alba, and his daughter have also been arrested in connection with the case. The former officer admitted that the Police license plate on the assailants' vehicle had been assigned to him, and that he lent it to his daughter, a journalist who worked for a television channel who then lent it to her boyfriend Wascar Cavallo Montero, accused of firing the shots in the Ubri murder.

Judge Jose Alejandro Vargas is hearing the case against the four accused of Ubri Bocio's murder, Wascar Cavallo Montero and Michael Valdez, chop shop owner Jose Rafael Mejia Batista and mechanic Modesto Cruz Marte.

Prosecutor Alejandro Moscoso Segarra said he would coordinate actions with the Chief of the Police to establish greater controls over the sale of used vehicle parts to combat vehicle theft.

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