View Full Version : The candidates for the higher courts

09-26-2011, 05:10 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has announced the online publication of the list of the 281 candidates who are being considered as judges of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Supreme Electoral Court and the Constitutional Court by the National Judicial Council (CNM). The lists of candidates can be seen at the websites:

National Judicial Council: cnm.gob.do (http://cnm.gob.do) and magistratura.gob.do (http://magistratura.gob.do)

Presidency: presidencia.gob.do (http://presidencia.gob.do)

Supreme Court of Justice: suprema.gov.do (http://suprema.gov.do)

Senate: senado.gob.do (http://senado.gob.do)

Chamber of Deputies: camaradediputados.gob.do (http://camaradediputados.gob.do)

Attorney General Office: procuraduria.gob.do (http://procuraduria.gob.do)

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