View Full Version : Conjoined twins separation begins

09-26-2011, 05:10 PM
Specialists at the Virginia Commonwealth University Children's Hospital led by Dr. David Lanning were able to successfully implant a preparatory ball in the abdomen of Maria Teresa and Teresa Maria on 31 August. The hospital says the conjoined twins are in good health and good mood, as preparations are made for their separation surgery.

As described by Dr. Jennifer L. Rhodes in El Dia, the procedure consisted of inserting a balloon under the right side of the thorax where liquid will be injected periodically to gradually expand it. The first session has been set for 4 October and the procedure will continue two or three times a week for four to six weeks, depending on how the babies respond.

The twins were born in Santo Domingo in April last year. The First Lady's Office and the World Pediatric Project have been assisting the family.

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