View Full Version : Long school day needs more support

09-29-2011, 03:00 PM
The eight-hour school day that is supposed to be on trial at 20 schools is only working at six of them. Three of the schools are saying that so far they have not received the required support from the government and the Ministry of Education. According to El Caribe, the only support obtained so far has been the school breakfast program. In Guerra and Los Tres Brazos, they have had years of successful practice, while they were supposed to start this new system this year in the Cafe con Leche School in El Cafe in Herrera in Santo Domingo West. However, it should be noted that in the school in Guerra, Futuro Vivo, Carmelite nuns are running things, and in the school in Los Tres Brazos, Guarderia Damas Diplomaticas, Vincenciano Fathers from the St. Vincent de Paul parish are in charge.

According to the newspaper the results at the schools that have implemented the single, day-long session are impressive in terms of student learning and improved behavior.

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