View Full Version : Olivares doubts 7,000 lawyer IDs are forged

09-29-2011, 03:00 PM
Central Electoral Board (JCE) judge Eddy Olivares made it clear yesterday that they have not found any false identification cards (cedulas) among the 7,000 lawyers as claimed by the Dominican Lawyers Association (CARD). What they did find were mistakes in details like misspelled names.

His statements come after the president of the Dominican Association of Lawyers, Diego Jose Garcia had reported that a crosscheck of the association's membership lists with those of the JCE revealed 7,000 members were using forged IDs.

In the meantime, Attorney General Radhames Jimenez Pena instructed a commission to investigate the complaint from the association. "The statements by Diego Aquino are the result of some confusion on his part or perhaps he did not know how to express the information properly. It does not make sense that of the 41,000 members of CARD, 7,000 would have false or altered documents. I think that what the commission that has been working on this issue has found... refers to some type of material irregularity in some of the documents, statements or the cedulas of some of these citizens," said Olivares.

The judge did not wish to talk to Diario Libre reporters as to why this lack of coordination between the CARD and the JCE might have occurred, nor did he wish to certify the numbers concerned.

He said that the commission would issue its report at the right time. Nonetheless, in a memorandum the Attorney General instructed the Deputy Attorneys General, Frank Soto and Bolivar Sanchez, the District Attorneys Alejandro Moscoso Segarra, Perfecto Acosta and Yeni Berenice Reynoso to investigate the complaint by the CARD. They will make up the commission and prosecute whoever is responsible.


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