View Full Version : Palave Method works on criminals

09-29-2011, 03:00 PM
Criminals have called a truce in the Loma del Chivo in the 27 of February barrio in the northern National District. Apparently, the methodology employed by Colonel Elias Marte Palave - the "Palave Method" - is working. It consists of hanging a sign around the neck of the alleged or proven assailants stating their names, where they live and the article stolen with which they were caught. The criminals are then paraded through the narrow streets of the barrio so that residents can see who they are. One such sign said: "I come from Gualey to steal (gold and silver) chains in the 27 de Febrero barrio." It was hung around the neck of a crook caught by police while robbing a woman in the area last week. The curious form of punishment, similar to one practiced by a sheriff in Maricopa County in Arizona, has met with praise and rejection. Human rights activists are complaining, but local residents applaud the action and crime has gone down in the barrio. In fact, today some 43 community associations will hold a vigil to support the work of Colonel Marte Palave and his innovative crime fighting methods.

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