View Full Version : Hydroelectric central off Enriquillo Lake

10-03-2011, 12:50 PM
The rising water levels of Enriquillo Lake could generate low-cost energy for the Dominican Republic and Haiti, according to scientist Patrick Raulin and businessman Juan Bautista Vicini Lluberes. Ideal conditions for the development of waterfalls and hydroelectric centrals are produced, and some 100 megawatts of power could be efficiently generated, according to a report. The rising waters have displaced farming and population in the area, but the businessman and scientist say it has also created many opportunities.

www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2011/10/3/205793/Lagos-fronterizos-Catastrofe-natural-o-energia-renovable (http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2011/10/3/205793/Lagos-fronterizos-Catastrofe-natural-o-energia-renovable)

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