View Full Version : Know your rights re the Electricity Law

10-03-2011, 12:50 PM
The ruling for the application of Electricity Law 125-01, modified by Law 186-07 establishes that the billing period is a minimum of 27 days and a maximum of 31 days. Listin Diario reporter Jairon Severino warns today that if your bill comes for more than the 31 days, you should appeal to the company for its cancellation. The issue at hand is that in the DR, the government applies the higher rate to billings that are over 700 kHw, and the additional days may make the difference in favor of the power distribution company if the customer does not submit a complaint. Listin Diario says it has evidence of billings for 32 and 34 days. Art 459 of the law establishes that if the billing period passes the 31 days, the company needs to comply with the customer's request and cancel the bill with no penalty to the consumer. The law also establishes that in cases when the Edes incur in frequent errors indicating a pattern, the clients can be compensated with up to 30 times the value of the kWh that the company has billed.

In the DR, only Superintendent of Insurance Euclides Gutierrez has been permitted to claim for compensation.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)