View Full Version : Why Miguel Angel Garcia quit the JCE

10-03-2011, 12:50 PM
The reasons why the Central Electoral Board (JCE) IT administrator resigned his post are outlined today in an analysis by Diario Libre journalist Yamalie Rosario. In the letter of resignation sent to the JCE on 22 September, Garcia said he would not "resign, nor give in under any circumstance" to pressure for the creation of a parallel computer area, with the interest that all the electoral computer functions be assigned to the same person who for his performance led to his return to the JCE after the problems in the 2000 elections. Garcia rejected Roberto Rosario's actions, saying he sought to "divide the responsibilities in the JCE, in contradiction with Resolution No. 30/2003 of 1 January 2003 that establishes that Garcia is the highest ranking officer in the IT department.

He protested that the JCE president was giving his backing in the practice to parallel general IT information, which goes against the most basic management principles. He said he took the decision when Rosario did not respond or agree to meet with him on the matter.

"To grant all the responsibilities for electoral computing to the same person who for his performance motivated my return to the JCE and who paradoxically does not enjoy my trust and for whom I will not assume commitments or responsibilities, it is not a matter of consensus," says Garcia.

He said that on 23 August 2011, IT director Franklin Frias Abreu, announced that it is prohibited to process or modify any registration of the JCE database requested by other entities without his authorization.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2011/10/03/i307634_index.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2011/10/03/i307634_index.html)
www.perspectivaciudadana.com/contenido.php?itemid=11412 (http://www.perspectivaciudadana.com/contenido.php?itemid=11412)
www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2003/12/4/165366/print (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2003/12/4/165366/print)

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