View Full Version : Professional student to preside UASD student council

10-03-2011, 12:50 PM
Ambiorix Rosario has been "studying" medicine in the UASD for 20 years, and now after a third try, he was elected president of the Dominican Students Federation (FED) that sits on the state university council. He was elected with 12,125 votes or 38.47% of the total votes cast.

In the main UASD campus, Rosario received 5,619 votes from a total of 106,000 students who could have voted nationwide. Only 11,397 bothered to vote in Santo Domingo.

Diario Libre editorial says that the election mirrors the state of education in the country and our scale of values. Diario Libre says it is apparent that the student leader is a politician disguised as a student. "His support is for the political group that sponsors him, not to academic values of the institution where he has spent most of his life."

Diario Libre asks how much the country has invested in this kind of student who spends a lifetime fulfilling political roles in academic institutions. "How can students like this be justified, taking the space of a real student who wants to study and get ahead?"

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)