View Full Version : Committee suggests budget changes

01-03-2007, 04:10 PM
The President's office sent the budget to Congress, where the ruling party has the majority, on 27 December for approval before the end of the year. Legislators, nevertheless, postponed its approval for the start of the year and sent it to a joint congressional commission. The commission that is studying the RD$258 billion 2007 Budget has agreed to reduce RD$400 million from the funds set aside for legislators' NGOs, RD$1.2 billion from the Government Works Supervisor's Office and an undetermined amount from the Ministry of Public Works funds. These funds will be reassigned to other institutions. Hoy newspaper reports that deputy Ruben Maldonado said that the commission would submit its report by Thursday 4 January. The deputy was firm in his response to a question about the NGOs related to former or current legislators. He said that the PLD-dominated Congress is firm is its stance that will remove all funding from non-functional NGOs. According to the legislator, some of the institutions that will benefit from the budget changes are Hogares Crea, Corazones Unidos, the Plaza de la Salud, and the Dr. Marcelino Velez Santana Hospital.

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