View Full Version : Medina reduces spread with Mejia

10-10-2011, 01:20 PM
Results of the 21-29 September poll carried out by Benenson Strategy Group show PRD presidential candidate Hipolito Mejia leading PLD candidate Danilo Medina by a reduced margin. As reported in Diario Libre, when citizens were asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 49% said they would vote for the former President, and 46% for Medina. Some 1,000 people were polled nationwide in urban and rural areas, with an estimated 3.5% margin of error.

The poll says voters cited as pros of Medina, capacity to offer new ideas (53% to 43%), will correct what is wrong (50% to 43%), do what has never been done (50%-44%) and better performance in economy (48% to 46%).

The sponsors of the poll were not revealed.

The Benenson Strategy Group worked with the Obama campaign in 2008. www.bsgco.com (http://www.bsgco.com)

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