View Full Version : PC says approval was rushed

10-11-2011, 02:10 PM
The citizens watchdog group Citizen Participation has announced that it considers the passage of next year's budget bill by the Dominican Senate to have been irresponsibly hurried. El Nuevo Diario reports that PC said that passing the legislation in one day without taking the time to read it through was a sign that the Senate had resigned from the mandate give to it by the electorate to be independent of the Executive.

They pointed out that in any halfway-civilized society, the legislative proposal that receives the closest scrutiny, the most heated debates and the strictest analysis is the budget. The NGO said that this was not the case in the Senate last week.

They said that the "rush" was carried out in order to stymie the social protests for more funds for Education, and that in effect the Senate once again defied the law that requires 4% of the GDP to be spent on Education.

On the popular radio show "El Gobierno de la Tarde" the program's lawyers pointed out that, in fact, the budget contains articles that do change the Education Law by passage of the Budget law. PC coordinator Samir Chami Isa pointed out that the Budget proposal also violates laws regarding the municipalities, the Judicial Power, and several other entities that are supposed to receive set amounts in each year's budget.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#3)