View Full Version : Israel says it was disappointed

10-11-2011, 02:10 PM
The Israeli ambassador to the Dominican Republic says that his government is "disappointed" over the Dominican Republic's decision to support the Palestinian Authority in the process that its President, Mahmoud Abbas, is leading for Palestine to be recognized as a nation state in the United Nations. Ambassador Moshe Sermoneta said that Israel is in agreement that Palestine has the right to be recognized as a state, but this process should be followed through a direct dialogue and not by a decision of the United Nations.

Quoted in El Caribe, Sermoneta said that President Fernandez should have taken advantage of the PA President's visit to raise the issues that the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed with him during his visit to the Middle East.

Sermoneta acknowledged that Fernandez had stressed the need for peace but pointed out that he seemed to forget that Abbas has an alliance with Hamas, which rejects the recognition of Israel and is responsible for many deaths.

When he was asked what he thought about the fact that Fernandez had authorized the establishment of an embassy in Santo Domingo, he remarked that the Palestinian territory is not a state, and "if I remember correctly, only states have the right to open Embassies in other countries."

Sermoneta also questioned the timing of the visit, since it fell on the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War and the assassination of Anwar Sadat, two major events in recent Middle Eastern history.

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