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10-11-2011, 08:19 PM
im planning a trip to the DR for the 2nd time and wanted to breakdown exactly where my money was going and to decide if it made the most sense to take a weekend trip, a week or 2 weeks. Im planning a big trip next year somewhere and this trip is going to try to feed the addiction :rofl:. I was mostly curious what % my airfare was costing on a weekend trip vs. week. As i like chicas more then FF miles.


Thats the graph of a one week trip with pretty detailed spending habits. I tried to overbudget everything, but i listed airfare at 400 for two reasons: one i have wishful thinking and i have a 200 dollar gift card so that will nullify any price changes in that. (BTW i would not travel to the DR for 600 and up, i would pick another location or wait for a different time)

On the graph i used xe.com to change the stuff i think of in american dollars to RD's (airfare, hotel, tourist fee). I know the xe is a little higher then what you get on the street but the difference is like a dollar in this sample.

heres the full breakdown of the budget:

hotel - 50 bucks a night times 7

airport transfer - 25 bucks a night * 2 (I probably wont pay this next time as hotels will pick you up for a week stay, but just something extra to budget for)

airfare - 400 - Trying to be wishful

tourist fee - 10

prices in RD's

motoconcho - I dont use these a lot as i like to walk and find a hot ass chick thats bored. I budget using it twice a day for 7 days at 50 pesos. (i know you can pay less but thats what i pay because i hate coins, shoot me)

drinks - I drink a decent amount and listed 8 beers a day at 60 pesos times 7 days coming in at 3360. This is a pretty guesstimate as to be honest when i was down there im not sure how much beers were really costing me. I do know for some of the happy hours you get 2 for 1 and next time im not buying chicas a presidente ill just get a grande and we can split. I think those cost like 100rd for one.

food - Breakfast is usually free but i might oversleep, have a chica with me, or eat breakfast twice. I budgeted 150 for breakfast, 200 for lunch, and 400 for dinner. 750 all together times 7. This is probably a little to low now thinking about it but i dont always eat lunch.

covers - like classicos and After one nightclub covers not condom expenses lol. I budgeted 1000rd all together figuring i would hit classicos then AO a couple of nights, i would also hit classicos and pay for a girl that was with me. There probably would be a night or two i dont make it there.

pharmacy - For whatever, too many possibilities for ones health to go awry. I budgeted 500.

tip - security and maid 500rd total. maybe higher if i fucked up a room real bad or something.

fun - ie chicas....25000 rd. This is a guess, but i figured when i land off the plane i want to get a bj from bj shack right away. I budgeted 1000 for this. Then after a beer or two i would want a short time at 1500. Then that night i would get a tln for 2000. The second night i figured 3000 total, 1000 for a short time or bj and 2000 for another tln. 3rd night through the 6th night would be 2000 total a day. I also added 5000 because on one of those days i would see something i had to have during the day, or a passions/cmp girl or a threeway or whatever. last day i put down 4500. All that added up came to a perfect round number of 25k lols.

stuff i didnt include - drinking at the airport b/c i always end up with a good bar tab at airports, cigars, touristy stuff which i kinda wanna at least do a waterfall tour or atv or at least one thing next time.

The total comes out to be 66722rd or 2059.804 for one week.

Now when i do for a weekend (3 days) I did the same but for the hotel took 3 days and times it by 50. The stuff that is arbitrary like chicas, drinks, food, transportation i pretty much dividing in half then added like 10 or 15% since on a weekend time is a little more important then a week vacation.


Lo and behold (is that how that saying is spelled or said) the airfare is a bigger share then the chicas. I think i could do a graph showing where when the airfare is getting more of my $$ then the chicas that i shouldnt go or i need to make my vacation longer in order to get my moneys worth.

Hope this helps some newbie out when they have a question on how long or how much $$ one should budget.

One last word is make sure you have back up money because i spend more then what i budgeted for the first time, but thanks to this board saying double your budget i wasnt in too much of a shock. :mrgreen:

10-11-2011, 10:36 PM
im planning a trip to the DR for the 2nd time and wanted to breakdown exactly where my money was going and to decide if it made the most sense to take a weekend trip, a week or 2 weeks. Im planning a big trip next year somewhere and this trip is going to try to feed the addiction :rofl:. I was mostly curious what % my airfare was costing on a weekend trip vs. week. As i like chicas more then FF miles.


Thats the graph of a one week trip with pretty detailed spending habits. I tried to overbudget everything, but i listed airfare at 400 for two reasons: one i have wishful thinking and i have a 200 dollar gift card so that will nullify any price changes in that. (BTW i would not travel to the DR for 600 and up, i would pick another location or wait for a different time)

On the graph i used xe.com to change the stuff i think of in american dollars to RD's (airfare, hotel, tourist fee). I know the xe is a little higher then what you get on the street but the difference is like a dollar in this sample.

heres the full breakdown of the budget:

hotel - 50 bucks a night times 7

airport transfer - 25 bucks a night * 2 (I probably wont pay this next time as hotels will pick you up for a week stay, but just something extra to budget for)

airfare - 400 - Trying to be wishful

tourist fee - 10

prices in RD's

motoconcho - I dont use these a lot as i like to walk and find a hot ass chick thats bored. I budget using it twice a day for 7 days at 50 pesos. (i know you can pay less but thats what i pay because i hate coins, shoot me)

drinks - I drink a decent amount and listed 8 beers a day at 60 pesos times 7 days coming in at 3360. This is a pretty guesstimate as to be honest when i was down there im not sure how much beers were really costing me. I do know for some of the happy hours you get 2 for 1 and next time im not buying chicas a presidente ill just get a grande and we can split. I think those cost like 100rd for one.

food - Breakfast is usually free but i might oversleep, have a chica with me, or eat breakfast twice. I budgeted 150 for breakfast, 200 for lunch, and 400 for dinner. 750 all together times 7. This is probably a little to low now thinking about it but i dont always eat lunch.

covers - like classicos and After one nightclub covers not condom expenses lol. I budgeted 1000rd all together figuring i would hit classicos then AO a couple of nights, i would also hit classicos and pay for a girl that was with me. There probably would be a night or two i dont make it there.

pharmacy - For whatever, too many possibilities for ones health to go awry. I budgeted 500.

tip - security and maid 500rd total. maybe higher if i fucked up a room real bad or something.

fun - ie chicas....25000 rd. This is a guess, but i figured when i land off the plane i want to get a bj from bj shack right away. I budgeted 1000 for this. Then after a beer or two i would want a short time at 1500. Then that night i would get a tln for 2000. The second night i figured 3000 total, 1000 for a short time or bj and 2000 for another tln. 3rd night through the 6th night would be 2000 total a day. I also added 5000 because on one of those days i would see something i had to have during the day, or a passions/cmp girl or a threeway or whatever. last day i put down 4500. All that added up came to a perfect round number of 25k lols.

stuff i didnt include - drinking at the airport b/c i always end up with a good bar tab at airports, cigars, touristy stuff which i kinda wanna at least do a waterfall tour or atv or at least one thing next time.

The total comes out to be 66722rd or 2059.804 for one week.

Now when i do for a weekend (3 days) I did the same but for the hotel took 3 days and times it by 50. The stuff that is arbitrary like chicas, drinks, food, transportation i pretty much dividing in half then added like 10 or 15% since on a weekend time is a little more important then a week vacation.


Lo and behold (is that how that saying is spelled or said) the airfare is a bigger share then the chicas. I think i could do a graph showing where when the airfare is getting more of my $$ then the chicas that i shouldnt go or i need to make my vacation longer in order to get my moneys worth.

Hope this helps some newbie out when they have a question on how long or how much $$ one should budget.

One last word is make sure you have back up money because i spend more then what i budgeted for the first time, but thanks to this board saying double your budget i wasnt in too much of a shock. :mrgreen:

750 a day you could make work since most hotels include breakfast at least the better ones and many of them are under your $50 a day and include airport transfers for free on weekly stays. Some places you can even get an apartment for $50 a day.
Personally your 3360 pesos for a week of drinking for you and buying drinks for chicas is at least in my opinion WAY OFF. Beers are 80 pesos at many places and 100 pesos at Passions and most cocktails are more. Be careful if the girls want Tequila cuz it ain't 60 pesos. Maybe figure an average of 100 pesos per drink so that would cover small tips and you make it 10 drinks a day for you (some can be sodas and they cost the same at some places like Passions) and 5 for chicas so that is 1500 per day or 10k for the week and then it should work.

10-11-2011, 11:05 PM
My problem is I have money, I just don't have a lot of cash, which is vital in Sosua, since most places do not take credit cards.

I budget myself differently, first I total all the expenses that are out of my control like airfare, parking, hotels, in my case is rental car, and gas money.

I also usually hit the duty free shop, in addition to the grocery store as soon as I hit town depending on your needs, but in the long run can save you some cash.

After you get that total, then I can get an idea of how to budget the variables.

I then get a rough idea of how much I will need on a daily basis, assuming I go ape shit like usual.

My speed is between 2-4 girls a day, factored with food, and since I am a large human being is a lot and booze.

If you are going by yourself, and you meet up with a crew, and lets say, you go to Baileys, your food budget is fucked for the day.

I over budget, but its not like I can't bring that money back

10-11-2011, 11:28 PM
The hardest thing for me to budget is food and drink. I usually come in on the money for the rest of the stuff.
I normally multiply what I think I am going to spend on food by 1.5 and on booze by 2. Nothing worse than wanting to eat or drink while on vacation and finding you can't do it because it is not in your budget. Like Boris says...you can always bring it home

10-11-2011, 11:38 PM
My problem is I have money, I just don't have a lot of cash, which is vital in Sosua, since most places do not take credit cards.

I budget myself differently, first I total all the expenses that are out of my control like airfare, parking, hotels, in my case is rental car, and gas money.

I also usually hit the duty free shop, in addition to the grocery store as soon as I hit town depending on your needs, but in the long run can save you some cash.

After you get that total, then I can get an idea of how to budget the variables.

I then get a rough idea of how much I will need on a daily basis, assuming I go ape shit like usual.

My speed is between 2-4 girls a day, factored with food, and since I am a large human being is a lot and booze.

If you are going by yourself, and you meet up with a crew, and lets say, you go to Baileys, your food budget is fucked for the day.

I over budget, but its not like I can't bring that money back

That is the only smart way to do it. Think about it under budgeting and coming home broke and wondering what that last girl you could have had would have been like is ridiculous. Over budget and bring an ATM just in case that is not enough is the smart move in the long run.

I went to St. Kitts for 3 and a half days for a nieces vet school graduation party and after a Miami weather missed flight lost a day and still ran short of cash since I didn't plan and just went nuts in Miami that night so thank God for Banks and Credit Cards.

10-12-2011, 12:13 AM
After airfare + villa + car rental is taken care off I normally take anywhere from $1K to $1300 for everything else. Every trip that number seems to go down as I get more experienced on how to cut expenses. My trips are normally 6 days and I always come back home with a couple hundred in my pocket.

But like its been said... I always overbudget and than try to be cheap as possible while I'm in Sosua and that usually works out great for me.

10-12-2011, 12:38 AM
Knowing where to get decent food at reduced prices can save a lot of money. Eating breakfast at your hotel, if included, can save you some bucks. If you get up late Rockys has an excellent bacon, eggs, homefries, toast and coffee for 150 pesos (US $4) and served until 3 PM.

Depending on your day schedule you can get a great bowl of chicken soup with bread if you are on the beach at the Black Box for 100 pesos. It is pretty much a meal on its own. New place that I have not been to yet but heard good things is the Tropical. It is located in the small plaza across from the police station and can also be reached off Pedro Clisante through a small alley near Britannia restaurant. I think they have good sized lunch portions for 130 pesos (from what I have heard...will check it out personally soon)

Dinner you can get good food at La Costera with many entrees in the 220 - 300 peso range that include soup and salad. My favorite dinner place is in La Union by the airport. You can take a publico there and back cheap. Most entrees are less than 200 pesos and if you get beans and rice as your "side" the portion is huge. Britannia restaurant usually has some good 99 peso specials after 4 PM as well.

Just a small sample of different places to eat that won't break the budget and you don't have to sacrifice taste. There are certainly more. Perhaps we should start a thread for "budget eateries in Sosua".

10-12-2011, 12:42 AM
and think about the variables, I mean I have had several "happy hours" or threesomes, unfortunatly it did not work out the way I wanted, but shit at least I was able to go for it, and not be like I have no chica for the next day and a half. Like he said, Overbudget and then be as cheap as possible.

And bring that cash with you since the ATMS will only let you take out so much.

Its true the more trips I went on the more I came back with, even with the disasters like flat tires etc.

If you are lucky, you will run into numnuts like me and I will be buying mamajuana shots

10-12-2011, 12:45 AM
Knowing where to get decent food at reduced prices can save a lot of money. Eating breakfast at your hotel, if included, can save you some bucks. If you get up late Rockys has an excellent bacon, eggs, homefries, toast and coffee for 150 pesos (US $4) and served until 3 PM.

Depending on your day schedule you can get a great bowl of chicken soup with bread if you are on the beach at the Black Box for 100 pesos. It is pretty much a meal on its own. New place that I have not been to yet but heard good things is the Tropical. It is located in the small plaza across from the police station and can also be reached off Pedro Clisante through a small alley near Britannia restaurant. I think they have good sized lunch portions for 130 pesos (from what I have heard...will check it out personally soon)

Dinner you can get good food at La Costera with many entrees in the 220 - 300 peso range that include soup and salad. My favorite dinner place is in La Union by the airport. You can take a publico there and back cheap. Most entrees are less than 200 pesos and if you get beans and rice as your "side" the portion is huge. Britannia restaurant usually has some good 99 peso specials after 4 PM as well.

Just a small sample of different places to eat that won't break the budget and you don't have to sacrifice taste. There are certainly more. Perhaps we should start a thread for "budget eateries in Sosua".

I still love that 50 peso sandwich shop you showed us, that is open late. I eat several of them, but I never would have found that place if it wasn't for you.

Next trip in January buddy, first 10 beers are on me!!!!

10-12-2011, 12:50 AM
Knowing where to get decent food at reduced prices can save a lot of money. Eating breakfast at your hotel, if included, can save you some bucks. If you get up late Rockys has an excellent bacon, eggs, homefries, toast and coffee for 150 pesos (US $4) and served until 3 PM.

Depending on your day schedule you can get a great bowl of chicken soup with bread if you are on the beach at the Black Box for 100 pesos. It is pretty much a meal on its own. New place that I have not been to yet but heard good things is the Tropical. It is located in the small plaza across from the police station and can also be reached off Pedro Clisante through a small alley near Britannia restaurant. I think they have good sized lunch portions for 130 pesos (from what I have heard...will check it out personally soon)

Dinner you can get good food at La Costera with many entrees in the 220 - 300 peso range that include soup and salad. My favorite dinner place is in La Union by the airport. You can take a publico there and back cheap. Most entrees are less than 200 pesos and if you get beans and rice as your "side" the portion is huge. Britannia restaurant usually has some good 99 peso specials after 4 PM as well.

Just a small sample of different places to eat that won't break the budget and you don't have to sacrifice taste. There are certainly more. Perhaps we should start a thread for "budget eateries in Sosua".

You bring up a good point regarding food. I normally don't spend more than 200 pesos on meals while in Sosua. The average meal is usually 150 pesos.

I stayed at Cabarate once and found food there to be eaven cheaper than in Sosua.

I also notice that I eat a lot less while I'm on my trips than I normally do back home so getting some snacks to keep around the villa also helps on cutting cost.

Being cheap on food has not yet led to me getting sick or having any issues regarding any food I've ate while in town... knock on wood.

10-12-2011, 01:08 AM
I still love that 50 peso sandwich shop you showed us, that is open late. I eat several of them, but I never would have found that place if it wasn't for you.

Next trip in January buddy, first 10 beers are on me!!!!

Don't know how I forgot to mention that place. Best 50 peso sandwich on the planet. They are normally open into the morning hours on the weekends and always open for lunch.

10-12-2011, 05:43 AM
well....uh... what can I say professor

you get an A :iconTU:

im planning a trip to the DR for the 2nd time and wanted to breakdown exactly where my money was going and to decide if it made the most sense to take a weekend trip, a week or 2 weeks. Im planning a big trip next year somewhere and this trip is going to try to feed the addiction :rofl:. I was mostly curious what % my airfare was costing on a weekend trip vs. week. As i like chicas more then FF miles.


Thats the graph of a one week trip with pretty detailed spending habits. I tried to overbudget everything, but i listed airfare at 400 for two reasons: one i have wishful thinking and i have a 200 dollar gift card so that will nullify any price changes in that. (BTW i would not travel to the DR for 600 and up, i would pick another location or wait for a different time)

On the graph i used xe.com to change the stuff i think of in american dollars to RD's (airfare, hotel, tourist fee). I know the xe is a little higher then what you get on the street but the difference is like a dollar in this sample.

heres the full breakdown of the budget:

hotel - 50 bucks a night times 7

airport transfer - 25 bucks a night * 2 (I probably wont pay this next time as hotels will pick you up for a week stay, but just something extra to budget for)

airfare - 400 - Trying to be wishful

tourist fee - 10

prices in RD's

motoconcho - I dont use these a lot as i like to walk and find a hot ass chick thats bored. I budget using it twice a day for 7 days at 50 pesos. (i know you can pay less but thats what i pay because i hate coins, shoot me)

drinks - I drink a decent amount and listed 8 beers a day at 60 pesos times 7 days coming in at 3360. This is a pretty guesstimate as to be honest when i was down there im not sure how much beers were really costing me. I do know for some of the happy hours you get 2 for 1 and next time im not buying chicas a presidente ill just get a grande and we can split. I think those cost like 100rd for one.

food - Breakfast is usually free but i might oversleep, have a chica with me, or eat breakfast twice. I budgeted 150 for breakfast, 200 for lunch, and 400 for dinner. 750 all together times 7. This is probably a little to low now thinking about it but i dont always eat lunch.

covers - like classicos and After one nightclub covers not condom expenses lol. I budgeted 1000rd all together figuring i would hit classicos then AO a couple of nights, i would also hit classicos and pay for a girl that was with me. There probably would be a night or two i dont make it there.

pharmacy - For whatever, too many possibilities for ones health to go awry. I budgeted 500.

tip - security and maid 500rd total. maybe higher if i fucked up a room real bad or something.

fun - ie chicas....25000 rd. This is a guess, but i figured when i land off the plane i want to get a bj from bj shack right away. I budgeted 1000 for this. Then after a beer or two i would want a short time at 1500. Then that night i would get a tln for 2000. The second night i figured 3000 total, 1000 for a short time or bj and 2000 for another tln. 3rd night through the 6th night would be 2000 total a day. I also added 5000 because on one of those days i would see something i had to have during the day, or a passions/cmp girl or a threeway or whatever. last day i put down 4500. All that added up came to a perfect round number of 25k lols.

stuff i didnt include - drinking at the airport b/c i always end up with a good bar tab at airports, cigars, touristy stuff which i kinda wanna at least do a waterfall tour or atv or at least one thing next time.

The total comes out to be 66722rd or 2059.804 for one week.

Now when i do for a weekend (3 days) I did the same but for the hotel took 3 days and times it by 50. The stuff that is arbitrary like chicas, drinks, food, transportation i pretty much dividing in half then added like 10 or 15% since on a weekend time is a little more important then a week vacation.


Lo and behold (is that how that saying is spelled or said) the airfare is a bigger share then the chicas. I think i could do a graph showing where when the airfare is getting more of my $$ then the chicas that i shouldnt go or i need to make my vacation longer in order to get my moneys worth.

Hope this helps some newbie out when they have a question on how long or how much $$ one should budget.

One last word is make sure you have back up money because i spend more then what i budgeted for the first time, but thanks to this board saying double your budget i wasnt in too much of a shock. :mrgreen:

10-12-2011, 10:46 AM
that sandwhich place is the shit...i took a picture of it so next trip i can just show the moto guy b/c every time i was there i was already pretty drunk and im bad at directions lol.

10-12-2011, 11:11 AM
Don't know how I forgot to mention that place. Best 50 peso sandwich on the planet. They are normally open into the morning hours on the weekends and always open for lunch.

What was the other thing they had that was like a casserole or lasagna?

10-12-2011, 11:14 AM

is that the place your talking about...Im not sure if they lasagna or not i just ordered the cubano sandwich with pollo every time and was happy as hell.

10-12-2011, 11:26 AM

is that the place your talking about...Im not sure if they lasagna or not i just ordered the cubano sandwich with pollo every time and was happy as hell.

I think its the picture on th top right, we were all there with Robert and saw two chica eating that and ordered it. I am guessing from the menu it is yaroa, and there was 2 sizes.

10-12-2011, 11:29 AM
I think its the picture on th top right, we were all there with Robert and saw two chica eating that and ordered it. I am guessing from the menu it is yaroa, and there was 2 sizes.

Yes, that would be Yaroa.

10-12-2011, 07:48 PM
[QUOTE=BorisDaBulletDodger;1021185]My problem is I have money, I just don't have a lot of cash


10-12-2011, 08:54 PM
My problem is I have money, I just don't have a lot of cash

i have no money but a lot of cash:iconTU::wink::corky::rofl:

and i always take $5,000 or more for every trip and that way i always (usually) have money left over for the next trip:biggrin:

10-12-2011, 09:45 PM
i have no money but a lot of cash:iconTU::wink::corky::rofl:

and i always take $5,000 or more for every trip and that way i always (usually) have money left over for the next trip:biggrin:

It's amazing how that always happens with self employed people!!:wink:

10-12-2011, 10:12 PM
i have no money but a lot of cash:iconTU::wink::corky::rofl:

and i always take $5,000 or more for every trip and that way i always (usually) have money left over for the next trip:biggrin:

if i can ever figure out how to insert the credit card.....i'll be set for my next trip....:biggrin:

10-12-2011, 10:53 PM
[QUOTE=BorisDaBulletDodger;1021185]My problem is I have money, I just don't have a lot of cash


Simple explanation is, its a pain in the ass explaining cash withdrawls, however, I don't get questioned as much on credit card purchases.

10-13-2011, 10:19 AM

Simple explanation is, its a pain in the ass explaining cash withdrawls, however, I don't get questioned as much on credit card purchases.

Getting Questioned Sucks :lol:

10-13-2011, 04:46 PM
I think your budget is pretty good, and very impressive how you put it together. What I found interesting, is that viewing your budget, and I think you were trying to be conservative in some respects, especially the drinking part, and possibly the food part. But forgetting about that for a moment, the figure you came up with was a little more for $2,000 for the week. Which I think is fair.

Made me think about the ex-pat who lives up in Sosua, and wants to hang with you or maybe 5 others just like you, true he wouldn't have the plane fare expense but he still pays his rent for the month, in my case even though it has been more than 3 years since I lived there it was about $600/month, which isn't too much different from your week expense of lodging and airfare.

Can you imagine the ex-pat trying to hang with you for the week, and spend what you budgeted conservatively for the week, and then multiplying that by how many guys may wish to visit him in a month?

The numbers could be quite high very easily.