View Full Version : UASD to implement continuing requirements

10-12-2011, 02:50 PM
Following the controversial election of a 21-year medical "student" at the UASD as leader of a student union, the university has announced it would be taking measures to prevent this situation from continuing.

As reported in El Caribe, rector Mateo Aquino Febrillet issued a resolution indicating that all students who fail to meet semester academic performance continuation requirements would be dismissed for one semester on academic grounds. The ruling establishes that students who obtain an academic performance accumulated grade of 60 points or less, or post two consecutive semesters with performance between 60 and 69 points will be suspended for a semester. Students on academic monitoring who do not obtain 70 points or more will also be suspended. Those on a temporary suspension who do not obtain 70 or more points when taking a new semester will not be re-admitted to the UASD. Students will have to pay 10 times the cost of the credits to officially drop a subject.

El Caribe reports that students protested the new measures, many saying that "there are other reasons" for their delays in graduating.

In private universities, academic performance measures are automatically applied, which is not the case in the public university where student enrollment has burgeoned in recent years. At 33,000 new students were admitted to the UASD this year, but only 7,000 graduated.

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