View Full Version : New European tourists

10-12-2011, 02:50 PM
Meeting for the First Summit of European Tourism, economist Henri Hebrard declared that the DR needed to renew its image and show more concern for tourist security. He said that the new European tourist is interested in culture, gastronomy, exploring the country on their own and less in sun and sand resort tourism. Henri Hebrard added that competitors would exploit any case where a tourist is affected by crime.

The executive director of the Dominican-French Chamber of Commerce said the DR could lead in the cultural segment. He pointed out that despite the difficult economic situation in Europe in the past three years, Europe continues to be an important market for the country that demands more promotion and attention.

Henri Hebrard called for more education for Dominicans to develop pride in their national heritage, and to rescue folklore, arts and crafts, and Dominican food, which is what European tourists are looking for.

Hebrard reiterated Santo Domingo's potential as a cultural destination for Europeans.

"Some people are saying that European tourism to the DR is dead, and we are going to say, 'Long live European tourism!' I believe that we have excellent reasons to sell Dominican tourism products because they are exactly what the Europeans are looking for: culture, history, gastronomy, farm products, coffee and sugar tours," said Hebrard, as reported in Listin Diario.

Julio Llibre, president of the National Hotels & Restaurants Association (Asonahores) said that while European tourists once made up 60% of all tourist air arrivals, they now represent 40%. He said the lull in European tourism has been compensated by flows from the US, Canada, South America and Russia. Nevertheless, he called for more government investment in promotion. He expressed regret at the fact that in recent years, the government has reduced its budgeted assignment to promotion.

Diario Libre reported that of the three million foreign air visitors, 1.18 million were Europeans, more than Cuba or the Mexican Caribbean received. French tourists comprised the largest market segment, with about 250,000 arrivals in 2010.

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