View Full Version : Open letter to Sonia Pierre

10-12-2011, 02:50 PM
Lawyer Pedro Dominguez Brito writes an open letter to Haitian migration activist Sonia Pierre in today's El Caribe, commenting on her confrontational attitude. He states that Pierre "continuously takes advantage of international forums to humiliate, accuse Dominicans of racism, tell lies, demonstrating a high dose of cowardice."

Dominguez Brito comments: "You want confrontation, not peaceful coexistence. That is why it hurts you that thousands of Haitians study in our universities, where they stand out for their good behavior, especially in harmony with their Dominican brothers.

"You are tormented that the Haitians, even when illegal, have the same labor rights as Dominicans, which is not the case for "undocumented" citizens in the countries that back you economically.

"You are uncomfortable that a high percentage of the women who give birth in our hospitals are Haitian and are treated the same as Dominicans, as should be. The same happens at the government food mess halls, where most of those who benefit from government food subsidies are Haitians.

"You find it so distasteful that Dominicans and Haitians live in harmony, as there are very few fights among ourselves, when considering the number of Haitians who live here. There are no two border people so different and that have such a good relationship as these two.

"You only make speeches in Washington, comfortably, but in reality you do not sweat for the Haitians to live better...

"You with your absurd imputations, do not attempt to improve the conditions of Haitians in our land, you only seek to promote division and hate among Haitians and Dominicans, something you will not achieve..."

www.elcaribe.com.do/site/opinion/culumnista/290778-carta-a-sonia-pierre-pedro-dominguez-brito.html (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/site/opinion/culumnista/290778-carta-a-sonia-pierre-pedro-dominguez-brito.html)

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