View Full Version : Hunger in the Dominican Republic

10-13-2011, 03:10 PM
The figures surrounding food and nutrition in the Dominican Republic place the country alongside Bolivia and Guatemala as "serious", with Haiti, our neighbor, listed as "alarming." This is the conclusion of a report contained in the Global Index of Hunger (GIH), published by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and reported in today's Listin Diario. The growing demand for bio-fuels, climate change and the growing financial activities in food futures on commodity markets are the principal causes of high food prices and therefore the cause of hunger in the world. Together with these three main factors there is a lack of grain reserves, a concentration of the export markets in just a few countries and a lack of adequate information on food production, the levels of reserves and predictions of future prices. One notable case was Nicaragua, one of only 15 countries in the world that has managed to reduce hunger.

See the report here: www.ifpri.org/publication/2011-global-hunger-index (http://www.ifpri.org/publication/2011-global-hunger-index)

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