View Full Version : Vanessa Foundation helps 33

01-08-2007, 03:21 PM
The Vanessa Foundation, set up by the parents of Vanessa Ramirez Fana after the 18-year old was killed by a young man who was trying to steal her cell phone, has announced that it plans to foster thirty-three young orphan girls at the Sister Petra Mariana Grullon shelter in the Las Colinas sector of Santiago de los Caballeros. Vanessa's mother, Dr. Rosaida Fana de Ramirez made the announcement, and said that the girls would receive medical and dental checkups, and vaccinations. The foundation will be working to increase the shelter's capacity as well as providing education, clothes and other necessities. The announcement was made on 6 January, Three Kings Day, when Vanessa would have celebrated her nineteenth birthday.

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