View Full Version : Mejia promises to fight corruption

10-14-2011, 03:30 PM
Answering questions during a Participacion Ciudadana event, President Hipolito Mejia was put on the spot when a young participant, panel member Lucenia Pichardo, asked the former President about the members of his support team who are the subject of press reports about involvement in corruption scandals.

"How can you try to give the example and confidence to the public that you are going to fight corruption when you are accompanied by people who are discredited among the population as corrupt? She mentioned cases of corruption covered in the press during the 2000-2004 government involving Plan Renove, Pedro Franco Badia, Siquio Ng de la Rosa, Fabio Ruiz, Pepe Goico with the Pepe Card, Lois Malkum with the banking fraud, Angel Lockward with the GLP coupons, Victor Cespedes with the pardons to drug traffickers, Radhames Garcia with smuggling Chinese nationals, Hernani Salazar with overvaluation of public works, and others.

The former President responded: "You should also mention the others before the day is over. You know that I was the one who sent them to justice, such as the Plan Renove, and the Chinese, and then this government let them go. And you know what happened with Pepe Goico, and the card? You are wrong about that, you should check that the card others had, Leonel Fernandez collected a million dollars at Baninter and the monthly checks. Mention the others and it will take you a week." Pichardo commented that Mejia did not answer her question.

At the event, Mejia pledged to apply the laws and fairly distribute public investment, be accountable, transparent and fight corruption. He stressed the importance of decentralizing the use of public funds, reform the state and give participation to women in government jobs.

The dialogue was organized by Participacion Ciudadana, the Ministry of Public Administration and the National Council of State Reform (Conare) with the participation of the presidential candidates.

Mejia said he was committed to fighting corruption in all its manifestations, no matter where and whoever it may come from. He said his government would only contain people who have the will to work for the good of the country. "We will oblige the fulfillment of laws and regulations that call for accountability, transparency in the management of public funds and regulations with honesty. We will not permit impunity under any circumstance," he said, as reported in Hoy. He described corruption as "supreme treason against the people".

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