View Full Version : Anti-corruption Festival launched

10-14-2011, 03:30 PM
Participacion Ciudadana and the online portal acento.com.do have launched the Anti-Corruption Minute Festival. The event, which has the support of Oxfam Intermon and the European Union, seeks to encourage the production of one-minute films on issues that contribute to fighting corruption in Dominican society. Participacion Ciudadana and Acento have chosen a jury to select the best five short films that will be awarded in a ceremony on Friday, 9 December at the auditorium of the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) at 6pm. At the event, Participacion Ciudadana and Transparency International will honor a Dominican for outstanding achievements against corruption.

The event is being organized by film expert Etzel Baez, who in the past has coordinated the Juan Bosch and Hermanas Mirabal minute film festivals.

"In the quest for using new weapons to fight corruption, we propose using films as offensive against this scourge," said Baez when presenting the festival.

He said that the short films should consist of stories that portray society while stimulating a culture of commitment of ethical and moral values, and debate and reflection on public or private corruption.

The festival is open to people of all ages, nationality and gender. Each contestant can submit up to two films with a minimum duration of 15 seconds and maximum of 60 seconds, with 15 seconds for the credits. The deadline for submissions is 28 November 2011. See www.minutoanticorrupcion.do (http://www.minutoanticorrupcion.do)

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)