View Full Version : 24 Dominicans to Global Shapers Community

10-17-2011, 05:20 PM
The World Economic Forum has chosen 24 young Dominicans under the age of 30 to join the Global Shapers Community that was launched during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in 2011. The young people were chosen for their entrepreneurial track record, for having initiated a major project, company or organizations, for having served society at large. The new group members are seen as exceptional in their potential, their achievements and their drive to make a positive contribution to their communities. Aged under 30 and working in diverse fields, the Shapers are a network of hubs founded and led by the next generation.

The Shapers are a diverse group. With more than 100 active hubs in major cities worldwide, the Shapers are varied geographically, demographically, and professionally.

"It's an amazing group of people," says Global Shaper Adam Braun, founder of Pencils for Promise, an educational organization that has built more than 40 schools across Laos, Nicaragua and Guatemala. "When you mesh all of that together, the skills set and the energy of the group is unlike anything that I have seen before."

The Dominicans are:

Crystal Fiallo, Yulianna Ramon, Mariam Ortiz, Leyla Hernandez, Leritza Monsanto, Carla Prieto, Elizabeth Mateo, Emilia Diaz, Laura Castellanos, Fanny Then, Christian Cabral, Juan Luis Lozada, Luis Reyes, Pedro Canalda, Maria J. Fernandez, Harold Mateo, Luis David Sena, Joel Gonzalez, Rafael Paz, Lisandro Macarrulla, Jose Ignacio Paliza, Jorge Jimenez, Victor Luna and Alfredo Vargas. The selection was coordinated by Marco de la Rosa, president of AES Dominciana, Andres Van der Horst, director of the National Competitiveness Council, Darys Estrella, head of the Santo Domingo Stock Exchange and Eduardo Cruz.

www.forumblog.org/blog/2011/10/who-are-the-global-shapers.html (http://www.forumblog.org/blog/2011/10/who-are-the-global-shapers.html)

www.weforum.org/news/world-economic-forum-launches-global-shapers-community (http://www.weforum.org/news/world-economic-forum-launches-global-shapers-community)

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