View Full Version : PLD moves to put Margarita on ticket

10-18-2011, 01:40 PM
The vice-presidential candidate for the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), Luis Abinader objects the proposal to include the picture of the vice-presidential candidate on the election ballot. This would be a first time in the Dominican Republic, where in the past only the presidential candidate's face has been included. He said that this smacks of an attempt to make First Lady Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez the center of attention, sponsored by President Leonel Fernandez. President Leonel Fernandez was banned by the 2010 Constitution from running for President. He said that this move would take to the voting stations the internal problems of power and popularity within the ruling party.

"This competition of popularity and prominence is something that the PLD wants to take to some general elections because they could not get it at the nominating convention, when they kept dona Margarita from competing with Danilo in the primary," he explained. He made the point that "now Leonel's people want to include the photograph of dona Margarita to create sort of a preferential vote...so as to say to the people that are voting that Danilo does not have enough people backing him, so you are voting for dona Margarita," he said.

The Central Electoral Board received the design proposals of the ballots for the 2012 election and among them was the one that included the photo of the vice-president, a break from the traditional ballot that just shows the picture of the presidential candidate.

During a visit to the director of the Diario Libre, Adriano Miguel Tejada, Abinader referred to the First Lady by saying that he was sure that she would be the candidate for Medina's vice-presidential slot, in spite of the fact that it has not been formally announced.

He emphasized that the nomination of Cedeno does not affect his own candidacy. "The Hipolito-Luis ticket is between 16 and 20 percent over the Danilo candidacy, and it will continue to be that way when Margarita comes on board," he said.

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