View Full Version : Abortion at San Lorenzo maternity

01-12-2007, 06:00 PM
The San Lorenzo maternity ward in Los Mina Hospital has released figures revealing that 5,000 abortions were performed in 2006, of which 30% were for girls between the ages of 15 and 19. Hoy newspaper reports that in some cases the situation is so bad that girls come in for two or three abortions in one year, which has forced doctors to come up with contraceptive plans for the girls. Gregorio Rivas, Pablo Wagner and Paulino Diaz are calling for better sex education classes and recommending that parents discuss sex with their children. Hoy reported yesterday that 6,000 abortions had been carried out at the La Altagracia Maternity Hospital, also in Santo Domingo. Abortion is a criminal act in the DR.
Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez told Hoy that abortion and teenage pregnancy is an epidemic in the DR and it is a reflection of the breakdown of the Dominican family and educational system. Although the minister provided no further information or plans to tackle the epidemic, he insisted that teenage pregnancy is the result of irresponsible behavior and that education is the key in stopping abortions.
Hoy also reports that many of the girls who arrive for an abortion are found to have an infection known as condyloma, which can lead to cancer of the uterus. As part of their plan to help with the risks associated with abortion, the hospital doesn't allow patients to leave the hospital straight away, unless they are given a method for family planning. The doctors consider that abortions are a family issue that needs to be dealt with by the family, adding that whenever an abortion is needed it's because there has been a failure in the person's education.
In 2004 there were 4,874 reported abortions and in 2005 there were 4,996 abortions, most of which are induced by doctors. Hoy reports that at this particular hospital doctors perform up to 20 abortions per day.
Ten percent of the women who go to the Los Minas hospital are Haitians. For more information on abortions in the DR click here: http://www.dr1.com/articles/abortion.shtml

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