View Full Version : New facilities for National Archives

10-19-2011, 03:00 PM
The historical memory of the nation is ensured at the National Archives, Archivo General de la Nacion (AGN). The new facilities of the important government institution were inaugurated by President Leonel Fernandez yesterday. The location is in the Zona Universitaria, and the improvements, which cost RDR$230 million were completed by the Presidential Oficina de Ingenieros Supervisores de Obras del Estado.

The facility has a department for conserving and restoring documents and photographs, training areas, and conservation rooms.

"We have rebuilt our history and it is being digitalized, using modern information salvaging techniques and archives so that it may be at the service of the people. It is a case of democratizing the information on the Dominican Republic and providing access to all in a free service," he said.

National Archives director Roberto Cassa said that they have 40kms of documents in the archives, in addition to 12 million digital images, 5 million of which are already available on the Internet.

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