View Full Version : Migration Law ruling passed

10-20-2011, 03:30 PM
Seven years after Migration Law 285-04 was signed by then President Hipolito Mejia, President Leonel Fernandez signed the ruling for its implementation in a ceremony coordinated by Migration Director, Jose Ricardo Taveras.

The regulations for the application of Migration Law 285-04, defines the rules for entry, stay, residence and naturalization of foreigners.

Among the stipulations is that foreign workers contracted by local employers will be issued an ID card with the worker's signature and fingerprints, supplied by the Department of Migration (DGM). Article 73 of the new law establishes that the DGM will indicate the points of entry for the temporary workers, while Article 74 gives autonomy to the Ministry of Public Health to establish the relevant sanitary controls for the workers admitted, before they are transferred to their workplace. The regulations state that employers are responsible for transporting their workers from the control point to the workplace. The same condition applies for their repatriation.

For decades, Haitians workers have migrated to the Dominican Republic in search of jobs. At first they were contracted to work in the sugar mills, but as a result of the fall in sugar sector jobs, they have been employed in other areas.

The new regulations also detail the process of investigation and supervision necessary to deport any foreigner.

Hoy newspaper comments that it will allow for defining the judicial status of many foreigners, primarily Haitians, who live in the country and who will have to regularize their status. Hoy states that the importance of the signing of the ruling is that now the country will have stronger arguments for defending its sovereignty when faced with migration conflicts.

See http://www.natlaw.com/interam/dr/im/sp/spdrim00002.pdf for the law in Spanish.

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