View Full Version : Police officer, son and bodyguard killed in accident

10-21-2011, 04:00 PM
Police Lieutenant Colonel Jose Antonio Pulinario Rodriguez, his son, and bodyguard Carlos Alberto Taveras died yesterday around 7:30pm in what is described as an accident off 6 de Noviembre Highway. The three men were on the way to a farm belonging to Pulinario. It was 17-year old Juan Carlos Pulinario's birthday. They were killed when a forklift on board a truck fell onto the highway, landing on top of the SUV in which they were traveling and tragically crushing their bodies.

El Caribe recalls that Pulinario Rodriguez was director of the Najayo Jail when drug trafficker Rolando Florian Feliz was murdered in May 2009. At the time it was known that the weapon used by captain Lino Oscar Jimenez in the death of Florian Feliz had been facilitated by the officer. Pulinario had no specific role in the Police, but was attending a course that would have led to a promotion.

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