View Full Version : Lack of interest in national problems

01-15-2007, 03:50 PM
Sociologist Ramon Tejada Holguin and political scientist Pedro Catrain concur that political clientelism prevails amongst the PLD majority in Congress. In an interview for Hoy, they highlighted their belief that the legislators put their party and personal interests first, and cited the way the National Budget was approved and the new judges of the Central Electoral Board were chosen as proof of this. Part of the 2006 education budget was redistributed in order to fund what they describe as "undignified" government Christmas handouts and the Metro. Tejada Holguin said that there are few exceptions, and mentioned Francisco Dominguez Brito (PLD-Santiago). Tejada Holguin criticized the fact that the PLD has yet to use its majority in Congress to resolve the country's poverty, education and power problems. Catrain feels President Leonel Fernandez has let down the voters who elected him with a record 57.11% in the 2004 election, and has neglected to work to resolve problems of poverty, education and power. Catrain said that Fernandez projected himself as "a progressive and modern leader, but in reality he is an ultra-conservative who displays irrational management of public funds, and lacks ethics and social priorities." In Catrain's view, there is no great difference between Hipolito Mejia and Leonel Fernandez. He lamented the fact that the country is reaching a crisis in traditional politics, saying that this was leading voters to look to new alternatives beyond this.

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