View Full Version : Senate not happy with Sanchez Roa

10-25-2011, 03:50 PM
Senator Adriano Sanchez Roa incurred a "major violation of his duties, and of legislators' ethics," when he complained, based on an as-yet unknown report, that one sector of the Senate had met with the Aerodom consortium in order to get rid of the alleged violations of the Constitution and the laws to the detriment of the State.

Senator Carlos Castillo, president of the special commission investigating the case of Aeropuertos Dominicanos Siglo XXI (Aerodom) said that, for the moment, he would only respond to the accusations made by Sanchez Roa, pointing out that he had incurred in an outright violation of his duties as a senator, reminding him that Senate regulations say that a senator "cannot divulge confidential information dealt with during commission sessions."

"It is unacceptable and a lack of respect for the Senate that a senator who is a member of the same special commission should divulge incorrect information to the media about the work that is going on inside that Commission," said Castillo in a note delivered to Diario Libre. When contacted last night, Sanchez Roa promised he would provide an explanation on the Senate floor today for the reasons of his public complaint that says that there are some dark aspects in the handling of this case.

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