View Full Version : Presidency promotes First Lady

10-26-2011, 04:30 PM
The Presidency of the Republic published a full-page advertisement in today's Listin Diario to highlight the First Lady's social programs. The ad says that since 2004, the First Lady's Office has organized events and implemented projects worth more than RD$2 billion. The programs include construction of Community Technology centers n RD$374.9 million (19%), reading programs RD$119.2 million (6%), 'Getting Ahead' support RD$932.1 million (46%) and social solidarity programs RD$585.1 million (29%). In 2010, the First Lady managed RD$521.75 million worth of programs.

Yesterday, San Juan de la Maguana Senator Felix Bautista held a press conference to announce that PLD presidential candidate Danilo Medina had chosen the First Lady for his running mate. However, Francisco Javier Garcia, campaign manager for Danilo Medina reported that Medina had not yet told anyone who his running mate would be. Javier is President Leonel Fernandez's former presidential campaign manager. He answered journalists' questions during the inauguration of the El Catey Airport to Coson stretch of the Boulevard Turistico del Atlantico in Samana.

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