View Full Version : Teen drinking brought to light

01-17-2007, 12:50 PM
The National Drug Commission (CND) carried out a survey and found that as many as two-thirds of children of high school age drink alcoholic beverages. According to Hoy, 66.73% drink alcohol, 15.16% use tranquilizers, 15% smoke cigarettes, and smaller percentages consume drugs ranging from cocaine to hashish. According to Bolivar Valera de Leon, who coordinates the CND's Integrated Prevention Program, the average age for first trying tranquilizers is 12, while the average age for stimulants is 13. Over 1,500 schoolchildren were surveyed. According to Valera de Leon, parents who consume alcohol or drugs are the children's main motivation. In his report, Valera de Leon recounted incidents that pointed to the severity of the problem. In one case, a gang of teenagers was waiting for a student who owed them RD$20,000 for drugs, forcing the CND official to find the boy's parents in order to save the child from being killed.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#13)