View Full Version : No accountability at political parties

10-28-2011, 01:40 PM
Samir Chami Isa, the general coordinator of civic movement Participacion Ciudadana (PC), says that a recent study reveals that the political parties do not feel they have to be accountable to the public. The political parties receive taxpayer money for their activities and are subject to Law 200-04 of Free Access to Public Information. Isa says that the compliance of most of the political parties with the Law of Public Access is only at a ranking level of 8 of 100, as reported in Hoy.

In addition, the level of fulfillment of Law 200-04 of the political parties recognized by the JCE revealed that the three majority parties, PLD, PRD and PRSC had scores of 0 in their fulfillment of the law.

Chami said that the ranking considers the information made publicly available on web pages and the response to requests for information from the parties. The parties are obliged by law to make available lists of employees, positions, categories and wage payments, list of public and private contributions, budgets, budgetary implementation and other aspects.

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