View Full Version : Speeches at the CONEP luncheon

11-02-2011, 03:00 PM
The presidential candidates for the ruling PLD, Danilo Medina, and the PRD, former President Hipolito Mejia read speeches yesterday at a luncheon event promoted by the National Business Council (CONEP) that represents business groups in the Dominican Republic. The candidates did not answer questions from the public, and did not debate with each other.

In his speech, Hipolito Mejia proposed to work towards a 6% annual growth in the GDP, and to focus on farming, industry, agribusiness, construction, mining, tourism and free zones, working to promote exports and foreign investment. He said he would maintain an agreement with the IMF to send a clear signal of his government's commitment to growth and stability.

He promised to reduce income taxes, eliminate ITBIS collections at Customs and the 1% duty on financial entities. He proposed reviewing taxes that slow down foreign investment, and pledged to adhere to the hydrocarbon law and create a guarantee fund for financing small and medium-sized companies. He promised to reduce red tape for investors and exporters and strengthen ProIndustria, the National Council of Free Zones, Promipyme and the National Competitiveness Council and rid them of politics. He said he would support private investment in generation and distribution of energy and promised to comply with the 4% of GDP for education law.

He criticized the fact that the country currently imports US$18 billion in goods and only exports US$4 billion. He said that farm produce imports by the government are detrimental to local production and are partly responsible for exodus of rural dwellers to the cities, increasing crime.

Danilo Medina promised sustainable growth of import and export sectors, stability and strengthening the currency based on accumulation of foreign exchange generated by productive sectors. He promised inflation under 5% a year, and that he would work for a 2% surplus of the GDP. He promised a true transformation of the country's development model. He proposed eliminating taxes on financial assets, checks and the increase in income tax. He also advocated implementing the Proindustria Law on ITBIS at Customs, and creating a development and export bank to finance pre and post shipments.

He proposed improvements in trade and reorganization of relations with Haiti and promised to promote exports and a commercial insurance for exporters. He announced he would reinstate the electricity distribution companies into the private sector and would promote investment in power generation. He said he would promote an educational model of eight hours of school, where students eat at the school.

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