View Full Version : New Civil Code

11-02-2011, 03:00 PM
There are 300 new articles in the Civil Code that the Chamber of Deputies urgently passed in two readings yesterday. The bill had been studied since 1997 and had expired on three occasions, needing to be resubmitted. It has 2,508 articles and 400 pages. In a press release sent by the Chamber of Deputies announcing that the bill had moved for the signature of the President allows for the recognition of free unions with the same legal rights as those of legal marriages. The Code in effect is from 1884. The bill now moves to the Senate for its approval prior to being sent to President Leonel Fernandez for signing into law.

After ignoring them for years, there are reports the Chamber of Deputies will move on four legal codes. The first was the Civil Code. Others expected now to be passed are the modifications to the Penal, Minor and Criminal Procedures codes that also have been under study at the Chamber of Deputies for years.

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