View Full Version : Fernandez applauds new software graduates

11-04-2011, 04:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez believes that there needs to be a reformulation of what Dominicans are taught, how they are taught and why they are taught certain subjects, before discussing other educational matters. Education has been a hot topic, with widespread public demands for the government to comply with the law that assigns 4% of GDP to education. Fernandez advocates modernizing the educational structures. "The way I see it, we are in transition from an educational model based on industrial society to one of the society of knowledge of the 21st Century," he said when meeting with recent graduates of a software program.

Fernandez expressed his satisfaction during the ceremony, which took place at the Presidential Palace yesterday. A total of 600 young people graduated in software programming.

The students had received government grants as part of the National Program of Software Scholarships organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCYT), in coordination with the Center for Exports and Investment (CEI-RD), the Santo Domingo Cyberpark Foundation (FPCSD) and the Cluster of Software Companies (Clustersoft).

"I know what these young people's graduation in software technology means for the Dominican Republic. It means the dreamed-of revolution that I have always wanted that will bring forth the definite transformation of the nation," said Fernandez.

He highlighted the fact that the software programming students were graduating from local universities, and do not have to travel abroad as in the past, as a step ahead for the country.

"I am thrilled because you will be the ones who will prepare the technological products for the Spanish-speaking market in the US and Latin America," he told the hundreds of young people assembled at the Salon Cariatides of the Presidential Palace.

Minister of Higher Education Ligia Amada Melo said that more than 1,0000 scholarships have been awarded for studies at eight universities nationwide. She added that 2,000 scholarships would be available for 15 universities in 2012, as reported in El Dia.

The courses include:

Oracle Database and SQL Server Database at UNAPEC, Web Development with Java, Web Development with .NET and Administration and SQL Database Design at the UASD. Software Development, Development of .NET applications at INTEC, Certified Software Engineering Professional (CSEP) and Management of Software Projects based on the CMMI Model at UNIBE, Architecture and Technology at UNNATEC, Mobile Applications and Java at ITLA, and video game programming and testing at UNPHU.

Attending the event in addition to President Fernandez and Minister Melo were First Lady Margarita Cedeno, Minister of Education Josefina Pimentel, CEI-RD director Eddy Martinez, scholarship program coordinator Juan Luis Lozada, Clustersoft president Jose Luis del Rio, and representatives of the participating universities.

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