View Full Version : Forged IDs sold to Haitians

11-07-2011, 01:50 PM
Specialized Border Security Corps (Cesfront) chief Colonel Teobaldo Morales Palomino has told Hoy that the organization confiscated 100 forged IDs used by a network of Dominicans who sold them to foreigners, mainly Haitians, for sums ranging from RD$15,000 to RD$25,000 each. The documents were found in the possession of Haitians who were traveling on minibuses and other vehicles between Barahona and Santo Domingo and other interior towns, as reported in Hoy.

Cesfront also reported the confiscation of several packages of marijuana, in coordination with the National Drug Control Department (DNCD) and the Border Investigations Operational Detachment (DOIF). They also seized 100 bags of charcoal on the border last week. Military personnel on the border are known for receiving bribes to maintain the status quo of illegal identity, trafficking in drugs, arms and charcoal.

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