View Full Version : Interview with Maria del Mar Mella

11-09-2011, 04:20 PM
One of the spokespeople for the new civic action group Lxs Libertarixs, Maria del Mar Mella defended the recent occupation of the premises of the Escuela Republica de Argentina in the Colonial City during an interview with acento.com.do

She stated that it was a new form of social protest for creating awareness in citizens and motivating positive reactions from the authorities. Mella, a 24-year old law student, first become known for her role in the successful Los Haitises protest movement, which succeeded in getting the government to reverse its authorization for the construction of a cement plant in a buffer zone of a National Park, prior to working for the 4% for education campaign.

Mella said the occupation was aimed at creating awareness of the need to assign 4% of the GDP to education and a call for the school to be repaired. The action sought to secure a written contract from the Ministry of Education as a guarantee that the renovation would take place. Mella added, however, that the Ministry of Education officials who visited the school were accompanied by unidentified individuals who tried to provoke a row with the group. At this point, the agreement with the Ministry accelerated.

Deputy Minister of Education William Sifres said that the building itself is not the problem, just the sanitary and electrical installations, which would be repaired immediately.

www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/8966/56/Maria-del-Mar-Continuaremos-con-el-4-esta-lucha-es-sumamente-digna.html (http://www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/8966/56/Maria-del-Mar-Continuaremos-con-el-4-esta-lucha-es-sumamente-digna.html)

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