View Full Version : Treasury & Economy ministries

01-24-2007, 04:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has issued the necessary decrees appointing Vicente Bengoa and Temistocles Montas to the newly created ministries of Treasury (Hacienda) and Economy, Planning and Development (EPD). The decrees fulfill the requirement of Law 496-06. The new Ministry of Treasury replaces the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development is a fusion of the former National Planning Office and the Technical Ministry for the Presidency. The minister for EPD is also the President's economic cabinet presiding officer. Under the EPD, Guarocuya Felix was appointed deputy minister for Planning; Americo Bastidas, deputy minister for International Cooperation, and Anibal Taveras, technical-administrative deputy minister. The Ministry of Treasury is responsible for fiscal policy. The DGII now falls under the Ministry of Treasury.

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