View Full Version : Military ready for transport strike

01-24-2007, 04:30 PM
The Armed Forces have a contingency plan ready for any problems that might arise from the transport strike that is planned for next Tuesday. Although there have been calls for halting the strike (see next story), so far the organizers have insisted that the strike will go on. Yesterday, the President's press spokesperson, Rafael Nunez, announced that the transport unions could strike "for a month, if they want to, but the government is not going to talk to them. In addition, the government is ready to guarantee public transportation to and from places of employment." Listin Diario reports that the PRSC opposition party is supporting the strike. In an editorial, the newspaper calls the strike "blackmail." The Listin explains that what the transport unions seek is impunity in the Plan Renove transport vehicle scam during the previous administration, increased transport subsidies, and for the government to continue to maintain a laissez-faire attitude and be lenient about those who have not purchased their license plate stickers.

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