View Full Version : Fernandez calls for diversifying investments

11-11-2011, 02:10 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has called for diversification in foreign investment in new areas, innovation in training for people and in variety of goods and products for sale. He said the country's free zones have diversified from being apparel-producers in the past to producing more specialized goods, including software, and mentioned the success of local call centers. He made the point that the country has attracted major investment in companies participating in infrastructure concessions, such as toll roads. Fernandez would like to see more investment in high-end products aimed at consumers more likely to spend more. He called for better linkages between tourists, business and communities, so that local residents can enjoy more benefits from tourism. He suggested more local production of arts and crafts for sale to tourists.

He observed that the DR's GDP had increased from US$20 billion to US$56 billion in the past seven years of his government, and estimated that in one or two years the country's GDP would reach US$60 billion, tripling in a decade. He said that it is noteworthy that the years when the international financial crisis has been most pronounced, in 2008 and 2011, were precisely the years when the DR has secured the highest levels of direct foreign investment. He said over the past three years the country has attracted US$2 billion a year in foreign investment.

Speaking at the Invest in the Dominican Republic conference sponsored by El Pais newspaper of Spain and its partner in the Dominican Republic El Caribe, El Pais president Juan Luis Cebrian advocated for improvements in juridical security and institutional strengthening in Latin America. He said the Dominican Republic could do more to attract investments and generate wealth given its central position in the Caribbean.

He said in Latin America, Mexico and its 50 million residents in the US, Brazil with its economic strength, and the DR in the Caribbean and Central American region can be the nations to reap the maximum advantage of opportunities. He urged the countries to invest more in education, to improve institutions and increase public safety, as well as to make serious efforts to tackle drug trafficking. "If they do that, the spring of prosperity that Latin America is experiencing is sure to continue," said Cebrian.

During the seminar it was pointed out that the Dominican Republic is the leader in foreign direct investment in the Caribbean and Central America.

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