View Full Version : Marranzini will resign if electricity tariffs ordered to increase

11-11-2011, 02:10 PM
Celso Marranzini, executive vice president of the Public Electricity Corporation (CDEEE) said he would resign if the government imposes an 18% tariff hike. Marranzini said the increase would be a setback for the work of the power distributors and would irritate consumers. Marranzini has said there will not be an increase in rates.

Meanwhile, Arturo Martinez Moya of the opposition PRD party's Economic Commission said that it was the government that had chosen the option of increasing power tariffs, that this was in no way an IMF imposition. He said that it was Hector Valdez, Temistocles Montas and Daniel Toribio who in the name of the Fernandez administration committed to the tariff increase in the Letter of Intent for the fifth and sixth review dated 6 July 2011.

Traditionally, the government has placed the burden on paying power consumers who have seen their rates go up to levels that are now probably the highest in the region, especially for users consuming over 700kHw. Martinez Moya says the tariff was already increased by 20% in November 2010. Martinez Moya said that the visiting mission of the IMF estimates the government deficit will be double that projected for this year.

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