View Full Version : Mulattoes, blacks and whites

11-11-2011, 02:10 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) seeks to classify Dominicans as mulattoes, blacks and whites, eliminating the traditional "Indian" category. A bill to reform Electoral Law 275-97 was prepared by specialists from the Organization of American States and the JCE and will be presented for approval to the general assembly of the judges of the JCE prior to sending it to Congress. The bill establishes that the information on file should contain the person's ethnicity, the municipality serial number, the individual's ID number, blood type, first name and last name of the father and mother, photograph and fingerprints. The bill is aimed at issuing cedulas from the age of 12 onwards, down from the current age of 16. Different categories of IDs will be issued to active staff of the Armed Forces and Police, resident foreigners (permanent and provisional). The document will serve both as an ID and voting card. At the age of 18, holders will be issued an ID that enables them to vote. The IDs will be in different colors and the words "No Vota" will be printed on the IDs issued to people who are not eligible to vote. The ID will be obligatory for everyone over the age of 12.

www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2011/11/11/210557/RD-sera-de-negros-blancos-y-mulatos (http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2011/11/11/210557/RD-sera-de-negros-blancos-y-mulatos)

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