View Full Version : Choosing the presidential candidates

01-25-2007, 05:10 PM
PRD members will be able to vote for either Miguel Vargas Maldonado or Milagros Ortiz Bosch for PRD presidential candidate in the 16 May 2008 presidential election on Sunday, 28 January. 3,258 stations have been set up.
The PLD party announced their primaries will take place on 6 May. The political committee will meet on 10 February to choose the organizers of the event, internal campaigns will begin on 11 March, the convention will be on 6 May, and the winner will be declared on 30 June.
Former Santo Domingo senator Jose Tomas Perez and former Secretary of the Presidency Danilo Medina have officially thrown their hats into the ring for the PLD nomination and although he hasn't officially announced his candidacy, it is expected that President Leonel Fernandez will also be in the running.

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