View Full Version : Cowardly governments

11-14-2011, 04:00 PM
In an editorial in Diario Libre, editor Adriano Miguel Tejada warns the government against increasing the burden on the middle class in the Dominican Republic. He referred to an email that is circulating where someone is asked by the Department of Taxes to mention dependents and the person answers:

"One million illegal immigrants, three million who do not pay for power services, two million who do not pay for water service, one million who live off politics, 700,000 government employees and government temps, 23,000 jail inmates, 220 legislators..."

Tejada says that what causes the greatest concern is how much longer the middle class can continue to bear the burden of every aspect of the situation where we are into debt to our necks without any visible results.

"Because the truth is that the middle class has cooperated, but the growing feeling is that one cannot continue bearing the burden of the cowardice of the governments to put an end to robbery and corruption of so many.

All the money that is wasted by not confronting those who do not pay their share is not reflected in education, in health, in sports or in social development. It is only apparent in the ill-gotten gains of the politicians and their private sector accomplices and in the deficit that our children and grandchildren will have to pay. "

www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=312874&l=1 (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias_det.php?id=312874&l=1)

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