View Full Version : Community wants to know about damage to Camu

11-15-2011, 04:30 PM
The Association for the Development of La Vega has asked President Leonel Fernandez to designate an inter-institutional commission to evaluate the scale of the damage caused by the channeling of the Camu River carried out by the Transvas SA construction company. The president of the association, businessman Francisco Morillo, suggested that the commission should be composed of the Prosecutor from the Ministry of the Environment, Eleuterio Martinez, the former Vice President of the Republic, Jaime David Fernandez Mirabal, and the rector of the Fernando Arturo de Merino Agro-Forestry University, Telesforo Gonzalez.

"We believe that before restarting the channeling or any other work in the river, some environmental impact studies should be carried out," said Morillo. The business leader said that the channeling of the Camu was being carried out without having done any type of environmental studies.

According to some ecologists in La Vega, the extraction of sand and gravel by the company has caused serious damage to some five kilometers of the river where more than 200,000 cubic meters of materials were taken out. Some versions of the story say that the materials that were extracted were supposedly sold in Tenares, Salcedo and Santiago and paid for in cash.

The Transvas Company would be obliged to send a part of the earnings obtained towards the reforestation of the watershed and the improvement of the surrounding communities.

Some residents along the riverbanks affected by flooding, protested the stoppage of the work last weekend. These people had been offered walls of gabions, sidewalks and gutters by the Transvas Company that would supposedly protect them from flash floods, according to the president of the city's Neighborhood Associations Federation.

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