View Full Version : Cedulas for a million Haitians

01-30-2007, 04:00 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) reported that investigations by the National Intelligence Department (DNI) reveal that over a million Haitians and other foreigners have secured Dominican "cedula" ID cards by fraudulently obtaining Dominican birth certificates. These fake documents have primarily benefited drug traffickers, dancers, baseball players and Haitians. The investigations show that there is an alarming number of fake "cedulas" among residents of "bateyes" and communities near sugar mills, according to a report carried in Monday's Diario Libre. Large numbers of irregularities are also reported in the communities of Bayaguana, Guerra, Monte Plata, Yamasa, Barahona, San Pedro de Macoris, Higuey, Puerto Plata and several municipalities in San Cristobal province. The report found a suspiciously high number of "twins" being reported, such as 1,300 twin reports that benefited Haitian offspring in Guerra alone. The report indicates that the documents were issued by Mafiosi with the collaboration of accomplices within the JCE.

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