View Full Version : Estrella: transparency re the metro

01-30-2007, 04:00 PM
PRSC pre-presidential candidate Eduardo Estrella is asking President Leonel Fernandez to account for all funds spent on the Santo Domingo Metro and on all the trips taken by government officials. He said that this information would reveal the government's lack of transparency. Estrella says that Fernandez should stop hiding where a large part of national budget goes and says that the PLD government has refused to indicate where and how they have spent millions of pesos. Estrella compared the way Fernandez runs the country to the way a person runs a private business, saying that for this reason Fernandez feels that he doesn't have to tell anyone anything. Estrella reminded the President that the money he is spending isn't his, but rather the public's and therefore the public has the right to know where the money is being spent. Estrella pointed out that the public needs to know where the sum of more than US$400 million is being spent, a sum that was financed through the PetroCaribe agreement with Venezuela.

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