View Full Version : Tourists drown in Cabarete

11-21-2011, 12:30 PM
According to news reports over the weekend, two Canadian tourists drowned last Tuesday while on vacation in the north coast resort of Cabarete.

Joseph Valentino, 64, and Nick Carlucci, 63, went for a swim in strong waves, and their bodies washed up on the beach later, according to the Montreal Gazette.

Local residents told reporters that the beach was, or should have been, closed to swimmers due to the strong current.

"What I heard is that there were a bunch of friends on a golf trip," said Antonio Sciascia, a longtime friend of Valentino. "After a game, they were on the beach. The waves were very agitated.

"(Carlucci) went in and was suddenly in difficulty. Joe tried to help him out. A wave came in and took them away. It swept them out, then brought them back on the beach. By then, it was too late."

The two men had been on vacation since November 11, and were due to return this Thursday.

www.montrealgazette.com/Montrealers+drown+Dominican+Republic/5738386/story.html#ixzz1eKqXu1q2 (http://www.montrealgazette.com/Montrealers+drown+Dominican+Republic/5738386/story.html#ixzz1eKqXu1q2)

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